Case Study
Runewars - A Play to earn gaming experience.

UX Reasearch AR/VR Visual Design Prototype

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Mobile technology has changed the way we live. Our smartphones are seemingly always within an armโ€™s reach and dictate our daily habits. As a result, mobile commerce trends are evolving. Consumer buying behavior has changed drastically over the years, and mobile commerce will continue to thrive in the future. As at 2021 Mobile commerce controled 73% of the global ecommerce market share, gone up from 59% in 2017 and now has about 85% control of the global commerce market share.

Why Augumented Reality?

A study by Snapchat in 2021, found that three-quarters of customers believe that AR technology will influence how people shop over the next five years, while 57% claim that they will increase their use of AR.
AR allows ecommerce customers to preview products or experience services in their own environment and at their own time, before deciding to make a purchase. Using AR, customers can preview products and be more likely to pick the right product the first time.
It's all about giving them the opportunity to interact with products from just photos to immersive 3D experience, making more informed decision and confident purchases.
Research estimates that the yearly revenue of AR will reach about $8 billion by 2024.
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The App: A Wall Paint Store

A Paint shopping app that offers the options of customers trying out the paint on their walls, before proceeding to checkout with a preffered wall paint.
By chosing from a variety of paint colors, the option to try each of them on wall with augumented reality is provided, extending into the customer's space with feature that scans for horizontal or vertical surface area they want to try the selected color on and checkout with sense of fullfilment thet they have gotten the just right wall paint for their space.
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The real-world environment has significant limitations when it comes to product information, with pictures only able to hold a finite amount of details. Augmented reality is offering a more immersive exerience, one that allows customers make more informed decision.

The Solution

Developing the experience was the next thing after understanding the challenge of this experience. we concluded on an approach to follow through with in ordr to develop this product.
- An end to end User Flow.
- High Fidelity Wireframes
- Style Guides and Components Library
- Visual Design
- Product Prototype

The User Flow

I developed an action based flow that describes how users would navigate through the product.
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High Fidelity Wireframes

After creating the flow, I went on to create the wireframes to visualize my ideas.
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Style Guides and Components Library

I created a style guide and component library to make my work process faster.
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Visual Design

At this point I converted the Hifi wireframes into the Visual Design, adding colors and components from the style guides and components library
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AR: Bridging the gap between Virtual and Real World.

At the rate AR-Ecommerce is moving, it would eventually solve problems in several other industries like Pharmacology, Farming, Real Eatate, gaming etc.
Apple and Amazon currently have it as shopping features to improve their customers shopping experience.
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The stats donโ€™t lie; customers have loved having augmented reality as a feature of the online shopping experience. Over half of customers (61%) say they prefer to make purchases from sites that incorporate AR technology.
AR is a natural extension of the mobile shopping journey that customers have been quick to adopt.

Designed By Laren Afeez